FedEx Integration Manager

FedEx is the one of world's largest parcel delivery company servicing more than 220 countries and territories and can deliver to every address in North America and Europe. FedEx is particularly known for its care of fragile merchandise during shipping. View all our integration channels.

SellerCloud is certified by FedEx and is an official FedEx Compatible partner.

SellerCloud’s complete FedEx integration manager lets you print labels for all FedEx package and freight services, for both domestic and international destinations. Customs documentation for international shipping can be customized to your specifications. Special FedEx shipping services such SmartPost and FedEx International MailService labels can be printed as well.

SellerCloud's integration with FedEx Webservices allows customers to print labels from within the SellerCloud application without having to install and configure FedEx's FedEx Ship Manager desktop application. For customers who want to continue using FedEx Ship Manager, SellerCloud offers a full FedEx Ship Manager integration that allows our customers the freedom to take full advantage of FedEx Ship Manager's features while never having to manually open FedEx Ship Manager to print or modify the shipping labels.

Shipping rates can be pre-calculated before printing labels to help you determine the best shipping option.

Shipping insurance can be purchased from FedEx directly from SellerCloud, and declared value thresholds can easily be configured.

Once the orders are shipped in SellerCloud, tracking is applied to the order and updated automatically to the originating sales channel.

Read about our SellerCloud software features.

  • Official FedEx Compatible partner
  • FedEx Ship Manager Integration
  • Print FedEx Labels
  • Void Labels
  • Domestic and International
  • Customs
  • Small package and freight
  • Rate Calculations
  • Address validation
  • FedEx insurance
  • Smart Post
  • Automatic tracking updates